
I am a final-year Ph.D. student at the University of Virginia, now working with Prof. Hongning Wang. Prior to joining the UVa, I obtained my bachelor degree from the School of Computer Science at Fudan University, where I worked closely with Prof. Shanfeng Zhu and Prof. Yanghua Xiao.

Research Interest

I have abundant interests in Conversational Recommendation System, Meta-Reinforcement Learning, Weakly-Supervised Learning, and other exciting topics in Machine Learning. My previous research experiences mainly lie in ML for crowdsourcing, text mining and knowledge graphs. Currently, I am diving into the exploration of Large Language Models (LLMs), including but not limited to RLHF, LLM agents, etc.

Publications & Manuscripts


Reviewer / sub-reviewer: ACL 2023, EMNLP (2023, 2022), KDD (2023, 2022), WSDM (2024, 2023, 2022), SIGIR 2021, AAAI (2024, 2022, 2021), IJCAI 2023

Volunteer: KDD 2020


I am a big fan of stand-up comedy and jazz hiphop, aside from sharing papers with me, clever jokes are also welcome.